Sharing & Hosting

To share an asset with someone outside of your BrandBay account, click on the copy icon in the quick access panel or inside of the asset canvas popup.

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Once the link is copied to your clipboard, you can either immediately share it or enter the link into your browser to view your asset's share page.

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If you are still logged into your account, you can manage your share page settings by clicking on the setting panel on the bottom right.

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You can toggle on and off each of the settings of each individual share link and then simply share it with anyone.

You can also set up your share link default settings by clicking on the settings menu item on the bottom left, then the permissions tab and then the public tab. Here you can set the default sharing settings for this brand for instant sharing capability.

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When you publicly share an image or video, BrandBay allows you and those you send the link to to share, download, and embed your asset anywhere.

On your asset's share page, click on the share button. A popup appears displaying some sharing options.

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You can post the link to your asset on social media, copy the link, and, if you have given permission, there is an embed code with options provided for hosting purposes.

One of the most useful features BrandBay offers is the ability to host your images and videos. This means that you can embed your images and videos anywhere that will allow you to embed them.

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The embeds look beautiful and are a great way to use your brands' assets online.

This feature can save you, your team and/or your clients time and money on image and video hosting.

In the next article, we will go through how to leverage your brand's exportable collections and brand-kit page.

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